Thursday, June 19, 2008

RSVP Now for BOOST GSS-SET, Part 2 @ GenGreen and Connect with a New Community Resource

Go to and RSVP for BOOST's GSS-SET Part 2 at GenGreen.

GenGreen is sustainable living made local. From recycling centers and alternative transportation options to jobs and events in your area, GenGreen makes it easy to find the resources you need to live your life locally.

Building Open Opportunity Structures Together's Green, Smart, and Sustinable Central is pleased to partner with GenGreen in order to offer blog visiters with another timely, relevant, reliable, and well-structured community resource.

If you or your company's mission and vision matches with ours, then feel free to contact BOOST to discuss exchanging links.


Anonymous said...

Have you had a chance to check out GenGreen's new site, If not, check it out, we would love your feedback! Thanks for everything you are doing,

To the future!

GSS SET Central said...

Yes, Crystal and thanks for reaching out.

I have update my GenGreen profile and invite more members of our network to join.

Thanks for your interest in Building Open Opportunity Structures Together. Also, check out our new web speakers' bureau and event registration center at

Tim Razzaq, Founder and Executive Director

GSS SET Central said...

Yes, Crystal and thanks for reaching out.

I have update my GenGreen profile and invite more members of our network to join.

Thanks for your interest in Building Open Opportunity Structures Together. Also, check out our new web speakers' bureau and event registration center at

Tim Razzaq, Founder and Executive Director